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Lawn Improvements

Providing Everything You Need



Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve natural soil aeration. Compact soils in your lawn, such as clay, prevent the grass roots from establishing a healthy system and prevents water and fertilizer from reaching the complete root systems of your lawn. This process is highly recommended to be completed at least every two years.

Power Seeding/Slit Seeding

Slit seeding is a method of planting grass seed that involves cutting shallow slits or grooves into the soil and then filling them with seed. The seed is then covered with a thin layer of soil or mulch to protect it and help it germinate. Slit seeding can be done manually with a garden rake or hoe, or it can be done with specialized equipment such as a slit seeder, which is a machine that cuts the slits and deposits the seed in a single pass. Slit seeding can be an effective way to establish a new lawn or to overseed an existing lawn, as it allows the seed to make good contact with the soil, which is important for proper germination. It can also be less disruptive than other methods of planting grass seed, as it does not require the soil to be completely disturbed or turned over.


Why Aerate?


Benefits of Aeration


  • Improved air exchange between soil and atmosphere 

  • Enhanced soil water and fertilizer uptake and use.

  • Stronger and deeper roots.

  • Enhanced heat and drought stress tolerance.

  • Enhanced thatch breakdown.

  • Reduced soil compaction.

  • Naturally choke out weeds and crabgrass with thick turf.


​When to Aerate?

For best results in our region, aeration should be performed in the fall, weather dependent. Annual aeration coupled with over-seeding will immensely benefit your lawn.  

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